In an effort to streamline the food and beverage service and make it less hectic in the members lounge, we have made some changes that we would like to pass on. We will be taking all orders at your table with the help of tablets to speed up the process. Please do not line up at the counter anymore, so we can service you better. Touring cars will be signed up for and keys disbursed from the coffee nook every day now instead of just on the weekends. The staff from the administration office will take care of this process. This will free up the servers to help serve members more efficiently and quicker. We have purchased new cooking equipment for the back catering room that will produce fresh food much faster for members and their guests.
- The hours for food service in the Members Lounge will be 8:30 to 2:00 Tuesday through Friday and 8:00 to 3:00 Saturday and Sunday.
- There will now be an automatic 15% service charge added to all food and beverage tickets in the Members Lounge.
- 10% will be distributed directly to the food and beverage staff in order to recruit and retain good help in this area.
- The remaining 5% will be kept in house to help defray the Club’s escalating cost of credit card processing fees.
- The after race meals will now be free only for racers and their family members. All others wishing to participate in the meal will be charged $15 for adults and $10 for children.