Sunday December 13th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Special appearance by Santa, cookie decorating station, arts and crafts, live entertainment and of course Chef Peggy’s spectacular, out of this world, like none other cuisine.
Brunch including n/a drinks $25.00 adult – 13, $12.00 12 years – 3 years, Free for children under 3.
Christmas Brunch Crafts for the Chidren:
Here’s a sneak peek at the crafts we will be doing so bring the kids or the grandkids for this fun filled day.
*1st Station they will be making M & M candy cookies in a Mason Jar, that they might like to hand out as a gift.
*2nd Station they will be making a Christmas card either for Santa or to give to a friend.
*3rd Station we will be making reindeer food to feed the reindeers on Christmas Eve.
*4th Station there will be yummy cookies to decorate.
As well a special visit from Santa Claus from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. and the simulator will be here for the adults to enjoy.
Please RSVP to Terri by Wednesday Dec 10th
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We will be collecting gifts for the Harvey Brooks Foundation. For details click here.