The club is considering making a change in the fuel available at the pumps.
This consideration is in an effort to better serve our members by providing 98 Octane (Sunoco GTX 260).
The 93 and 104 octane fuels would remain unchanged and the 110 would still be available at a different location.
We would change the fuel from 110 to 98 in the tank at the fueling station with 110 being available in a different tank located within the maintenance yard.
Due to the fact that a credit card kiosk would not be located at the new 110 pump, assistance from a staff member would be needed to complete the purchase.
Again 93 and 104 would remain unchanged.
98 would be available at the fueling station.
110 would be available within the maintenance yard with assistance needed for purchase.
Your feedback would be welcome to help us make the proper decision.
Please email your thoughts or questions to Mike Gritter
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