I hope this letter finds you and your family well and enjoying all that the Holiday Season has to offer. It is hard to believe, but another track season is now behind us and what an exciting 2015 season it was!
Many of the members have asked us how they can say “thank you” to our staff for all of their hard work and effort during the season. We have a Holiday Fund for these workers that you may contribute to, which will be used to benefit all. Whatever amount you would like to send is fine, you can either send a check made out to Autobahn Country Club marked “Employee Holiday Fund” or you may put this on your member charge.
I can’t begin to tell you how much our staff greatly appreciates this fund. As you well know most of our staff have completed 10 years of service with us. This is such a statement to how much they love serving you, our members. We hope that you all have a joyous and happy Holiday Season!
To put a Holiday Fund contribution on your member charge please e-mail Karen Kries
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