2016 Racing Schedule is Set!

Feb 17, 2016 | Member Racing

Note: the 5 hour enduro has been moved from July 30 to August 13; All other dates remain the same.

We are prepared and ready for another great season of Autobahn Member Racing!

It will be a busy season with some new twists. Look for more information in the coming weeks regarding any rule changes for the coming year.
Note- all times listed on schedule are approximate. Check daily schedules as they are released for the most accurate information.

[av_button label=’Click Here To View Full Schedule’ link=’manually,http://AutobahnMembers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2016-Member-Racing-Schedule-final-1-19-2016.pdf’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue82a’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2v1csc’]