What Is Auto-X And Why Is It So Fun!

Jul 13, 2016 | Uncategorized

Auto-X (Auto cross) is essentially a short course set up in an open area with cones. Drivers are given the opportunity to walk the course to learn its nuances before driving it. They are then given several opportunities to run the course trying to set a fast time.

These courses offer the chance to drive as hard as you can in a safe situation with speeds kept in check by the tightness of the course with cones as the only obstacle. A specially prepared car is not needed, in fact often times a course can benefit a lower horsepower car that has good handling characteristics. All skill levels can enjoy these events and they are a great way to test the waters of competition.

Our next Auto-X is this Friday! Come out and experience the FUN!!

[av_button label=’Click Here To View A Short Auto-X Video’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/j8RZ7ttSy2M’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue80d’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2y5hdb’]